Analyze in parallel with the hereditary succession of cohabitant or surviving companion


  • Maria Isabel Jesus Costa Canellas


Brazilian inheritance law, new Civil Code, the privileged position of the widower or widow over the partner who is not married under civil law, the position of the couple who lives a family bond but is not officially married under civil law


This paper aims to study the differences between the two distinct systems of Brazilian inheritance law: the spouse system and the surviving partner system. These differences will be demonstrated from the point of view of the new Brazilian civil law, since Brazil has adopted a new Civil Code that replaced the old Civil Code of 1916 and has been in force since January 2003. Thus, the reader will have the opportunity to examine, in parallel, the privileged position of the widow or widower, that is, the surviving spouse, over the position of the couple who lives in a family bond but is not officially married under civil law.

Author Biography

Maria Isabel Jesus Costa Canellas

Civil lawyer and Professor of Civil Law in Graduation and Post-Graduation courses in the sense of the Toledo Institute of Ensino – Bauru – SP. Master in Direito for ITE-Bauru and in Letters for USC-Bauru. Editorial Supervisor of RIPE. Magazine of the Institute of Research and Studies. Legal Division/ ITE. President of the Regional Nucleus of IBDFAM (Brazilian Institute of Family Affairs (Bauru-SP). Researcher-member of the Teaching Research Nucleus of the Faculty of Law of Bauru – ITE. Member of the leading team of the NIC and guiding professor of NIPEC: Núcleos de Initiation of Scientific Research Instituição Toledo de Ensino.



How to Cite

Costa Canellas, M. I. J. . (2024). THE DIRECTIVE OF SUCESSÓRIO TWO NEW PARTIES BRAZILIAN CIVIL CODE: Analyze in parallel with the hereditary succession of cohabitant or surviving companion. LETRAS JURÍDICAS, (2), 1–18. Retrieved from