
  • Luisa Fernanda Guevara Tulcán


oblivion, photos, videos, intimate, habeas data


The right to be forgotten as such is not regulated, but that does not mean that you can not demand that your right to privacy, privacy, good name and honor, rights that are regulated within our system being declared as fundamental in our political constitution, are respected, there are mechanisms by which you can take action to ensure that your rights are respected. To interpret how it is observed in our country, we will analyze the legal framework that is provided to this right, the right as such is not described, but we can analyze how the constitution still provides guarantees in alternative circumstances for all citizens; We will analyze how it would be the plan to make the complaint in.

The right to be forgotten as such is not regulated, but that does not mean that you can not demand that your right to privacy, privacy, good name and honor, rights that are regulated within our system being declared as fundamental in our political constitution, are respected, there are mechanisms by which you can take action to ensure that your rights are respected. To interpret how it is observed in our country, we will analyze the legal framework that is provided to this right, the right as such is not described, but we can analyze how the constitution still provides guarantees in alternative circumstances for all citizens; We will analyze how it would be the plan to make the complaint in in case the right is violated, how the responsibility of the search engines is discouraged, who in principle are considered responsible, since at the time that the photos are published you are indexed when searching for the name of the author in a search engine with the image or video related, where there is no consent by the author.

Author Biography

Luisa Fernanda Guevara Tulcán

Digital justice researcher from comparative law, Santo Tomás University. luisa.guevara@usantotomas.edu.co



How to Cite

Guevara Tulcán, L. F. (2023). RIGHT TO BE FORGOTTEN: INTIMATE PHOTOGRAPHS OR VIDEOS CHALLENGE IN COLOMBIA. LETRAS JURÍDICAS, 35(35), 1–16. Retrieved from https://revistaletrasjuridicas.com/index.php/lj/article/view/96